Thursday, December 25, 2008


After an extremely busy December with four concerts by our church choir (along with other performers at the church), and singing at the Christmas Eve service, we enjoyed a quiet Christmas at home. Quiet--and cold. Right now, at 10 a.m. Christmas Day, it's sleeting on top of the snow we had a couple days ago.
For the week after Christmas we'll be out at the Pacific Coast of Washington, at a little town north of Ocean Shores. The weather will be dreadful with storms coming in off the ocean, but perfect for writing, reading, and watching movies.
For Christmas I got the COMPLETE set of MASH, the movie and all the TV episodes. Wow!
I know what I'll be doing on New Years Eve!!!!!
Best wishes to all!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Outstanding article about publishing industry

Wow! I just read the following article by agent Richard Curtis.

He says to read it twice, and I was thinking, Huh? Why would I read it TWICE? But he explains at the end that the article -- which sounds as if it were written yesterday, was written in 1992.
He points out how abysmally STUPID and DOOMED the publishing industry's way of doing business is. In short, they overprint books and the bookstores (who have nothing to lose) have unlimited right of return. There's a lot more to it, but at the bottom is the practice of withholding authors' royalties against potention returns.

He points out (NOW) that what he predicted in 1992 (some of which I'll quote below) has come to pass with Amazon, electronic publishing, and Print on Demand publishing. Here's some of what Curtis said, in 1992:

"In the coming era of "demand" publishing, we will see direct electronic delivery of text to reader-users without dependence on distributors, or even on paper. The technology for producing portable electronic books containing or accessing whole libraries is now at hand. . . . Thanks to the multimedia and interactive features of the new breed of computers, tomorrow's electronic books will entertain readers with audio and video displays that will make traditional books look as crude as cuneiform writing on stone tablets. Gone will be the disgustingly wasteful system of merchandising books, along with the creative bookkeeping that permits publishers to hold authors' money for years."

I recommend you read the whole article. Thanks to Kelli Finger, writing as Abbey MacInnis, for the heads up about this.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

December news

"Love with a Welcome Stranger" came out in ebook on September 19, and the reviews are very good. I'll post some of them here in a few days. It will be available IN PRINT on January 2, 2009. You can order it from, or (Barnes & Noble) or from the publisher at

On November 30 I received notification that it's a FINALIST for a 2009 EPPIE AWARD for Best Contemporary Romance. Winners will be announced March 7 at the EPIC conference in Las Vegas.

Other big news -- the second romance set in Bitter Falls, "Lovin' Montana," will be released in ebook and also in print on August 14, 2009.
The beautiful cover (designed by Rae Monet, who also did the cover of "Love with a Welcome Stranger") is on the first page of my website,
Lynnette Baughman